But on a happy note, July has also been a month of many birthdays in my group of friends, so I figured this would be a perfect time to try out some new recipes. I like to bake, they like to eat, it's a win win for everyone!
The flavors I tried out were strawberry margarita, pancakes & bacon, Reese's and cookies n' creme.
Overall, I'd say it was a success, but I'll definitely be making some tweaks to the recipes I used. Which isn't too surprising...whenever I try something new the first time around I'll make it verbatim, see how it goes, make my changes from there and make the recipe my own.
Cookies n' creme - Specially made for my friend Kristin! I've made this before, but tried out a new batter recipe I found from Brown Eyed Baker. Pretty pleased with the outcome, I threw in some pieces of Oreos this time around and was glad I did. It just added to the cookies n' creme flavor.
Strawberry margarita - verrrry interesting. Hint of a margarita but definitely a cupcake! They turned out a little dry for me, but the
Reese's - Spencer's new favorite cupcake. Enough said.
Pancakes with maple frosting and BACON! - My one FAIL of the night. I was so disheartened about these mainly because I was so excited to try them. The frosting just smelled so maple-y. Mmmm. But the cupcakes didn't turn out as fluffy as I'd liked. I need to work on my batter. One day it will come and I will show you the finished product! Many were skeptical about this, but come on...bacon! Reminds me of this video. Bacon is bad for you, they say? Nay, I say! Bacon is good for me!
I'm going to end on a high. Happy baking everyone!
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